The Earthsafe Pipeline
Revolutionary pipeline spill containment and real-time notification technology. Prevent hydrocarbon spills from ever being exposed to the environment, making oil spills a thing of the past.
Complete Containment
Prevents any spill from being exposed to the environment, making hydrocarbon spills a thing of the past.
Real-Time Monitoring
Continuously and autonomously monitors pipe integrity and can engage shut off valves if a problem is detected.
Pipeline Corrosion
The Earthsafe pipeline detects integrity issues, including corrosion that results into leaks into the containment section. This enables the pipeline operator to engage preventative measures and repairs, before a leak is ever exposed to the environment.
Significant Operating Cost Reduction
Significantly reduces operating costs for the pipeline operator due to its effective and autonomous nature.
Selective Intrusion Detection
Selective detection of theft, ensuring that a pipeline operator always has complete control and knowledge of the entire pipeline network, wherein any unauthorised intrusion or theft can be instantaneously detected.
Spill Prevention
The world’s only complete spill prevention system ensuring the flow of hydrocarbons in the safest possible way.

Podium Energy has developed the Earthsafe Pipeline, an unprecedented oil spill prevention technology which addresses the environmental and safety concerns that are present with transporting hydrocarbons by pipeline. This technology is internationally patented, and allows the pipeline operator to instantaneously and in real-time determine if there is a spill (24/7), accurately locate where the spill is within 50 feet, and completely contain the spill within their pipes, preventing it from ever being exposed/spilled into the environment.
This technology’s implementation is modular and it is applicable for use in both new construction, as well as the retrofitting or replacement of older conventional pipelines. In the case of retrofitting, it is possible pair the pipeline operator's existing pipeline infrastructure with Podium’s oil spill prevention technology, thus preventing spilled oil from ever being exposed to the environment. Its application is also very versatile as it can be implemented above ground, underground, underwater as well as under ice. Lastly, the Earthsafe Pipeline technology detects integrity issues, including corrosion that results into leaks into the containment section. In this case the Earthsafe Pipeline enables for preventative measures and repairs, again eliminating pipeline oil spills as we know them.
Podium’s mission is to ensure the secure flow of valuable hydrocarbons, while protecting the environment for future generations. The Earthsafe Pipeline technology is the only oil spill prevention technology available on the market. It is part of a very pro-active approach to environmental stewardship protecting urban areas and sensitive ecosystems, by preventing oil spills from ever occurring.
The cost of environmental restoration, as well as the costs of restoring urban areas after an ecological disaster such as an oil spill are incalculable. Previous case studies of oil spill catastrophes demonstrate these very real and very astronomical costs. The costs of implementing the Earthsafe Pipeline are very reasonable in comparison, as preventative measures such as this oil spill prevention technology are significantly cheaper than the alternative of paying for ecological and safety disasters after the fact.
There is often tension, distrust and delays to building pipeline infrastructure projects. This technology is able to bring together groups across industry, government, indigenous communities as well as the general public by providing a middle ground in negotiations, ensuring a mutually beneficial outcome for all stakeholders.
The Earthsafe Pipeline technology is the only one of its kind which can simultaneously help protect the environment, act as a catalyst to get approval for pipeline infrastructure projects, while bringing parties together that would otherwise not do so.

Edmonton Office
201, 11816-121 Street NW Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5L 5H5
Montreal Office
359 Ave. Sainte-Croix, Suite 211, Saint Laurent, Quebec, Canada, H4N 2L3
Tel: (514).967.2532
USA Office
1700 Northside Dr. NW, Suite A7 Atlanta, GA 30318
We want to hear from you. Feel free to contact us to learn more about our Earthsafe Pipeline technology or for any business or media enquiries.